Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Treat people as if they were what they ought to be, and you help them become what they are capable of becoming
- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe


Fin. Or so we thought...

We wrapped it up, gave it to the TNT man and sent it on its way to South Korea on Friday 5.00 pm and wiped our hands clean of it; we even drank a few extra beers in celebration of our hard work... but it would have been naive to think that the work was going to end there... So since then we've had cook it, cut it, measure it, bag it, sell it... no, wait thats not what we did, that's what Kanye did... So we've had to add stuff, change stuff and move stuff since then and we've even had to create more artwork for this job - and I'm sure there will be more. But I guess the most important thing of all is: Yes, my name is going to be in it hooray

So I guess you could say the moral of the story is; as long as you get national wide recognition, it's never too much work.


Random photos taken at random times with random content. Feel free to randomly make random comments about them. Totally random.


Blogger Steph said...

that last photos is just awesome. awesome to the point that its a tad creepy. i think you might have ghosts.

12:17 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow. that last one.. by far the best ive seen for a long while. like a million people have said in the past, u've got the "eye".

10:22 pm  

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