Monday, June 12, 2006

As I grow to understand life less and less, I learn to love it more and more.
- Jules Renard


I think I've lost my job. Well, not exactly - there's just no work at work, so I don't go into work, which means no money. I really don't know what will happen; if it will last or if it's just a little phase. But it's got me thinking about all kinds of things and I begin to question myself. Was I too slow? Did I screw up? Did he finally discover that I was hacking into the work accounting and wiring money out into my Swiss Bank account? And then I think, maybe I wasn't thankful enough, I didn't count this as a blessing from God. Which leads to, maybe this is a lesson God is trying to teach me. I don't know. I, I, I. Me, me, me. I may not know the answer, but I know God knows how this story ends. And maybe this is a lesson, not about me, but about God. Maybe He wants to show me that everything starts and ends with Him, and I don't acknowledge that enough. Yes, I do feel like sometimes I am just merely 'existing'. In grade 6 they made us fill out this sheet which asked us what our 5 year, 10 year and ultimate goal in life was. I had no idea. I, I, I. Me, me, me. I've read somewhere that to know yourself you need to start from the beginning, from the creator.

blah blah blah, I am rambling off again. I think just need to trust in Him and be patient. I might start looking for a part time job to get some cash flow happening.

This weekend I caught up with my school friends, both high school and uni. I think it was good for me to see that not everyone had a secure job at a prestigious financial organization that pays well. Not good in the sense that I could say that they aren't successful, but more for me to see that they were happy and doing fine. What is the measure of success?

I think maybe it is good that I am 'unemployed' and have free time to think. Maybe I need to spend some of it doing some soul searching and find out the purpose of my life.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't think too is half full or half empty?..i think you see it half full for the most part...and that's a blessing which many of us haven't worked out.

6:02 pm  
Blogger Enoch said...

hey thanks man. appriciate it. gotta keep things in perspective, and when i've got supportive people around, it makes it easier.

7:55 pm  
Blogger steves said...

Yeah Noch, its always about perspective. Time is not something that u can always have just lying around ya know, so there's something else to think about.

12:21 pm  
Blogger Steph said...

If and when God closes a door, He only does so while opening a window at the same time :o)

10:25 am  

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