Wednesday, May 31, 2006

A truth that's told with bad intent beats all the lies you can invent.
- William Blake


Cleaning is my soul food.

When I am stressed, worried or anxious about something and I can't do anything about it I find I turn to cleaning for solace. It's something, I guess, I picked up when I was a dish-pig. Some people say that dish washers have the worse job; and I agree, until the front of the shop is understaffed and busy as hell - ah, that's when dish washing is the most peaceful and calming place. And even the act of rinsing, scrubbing and cleaning helps to calm the mind; it's an act of purifying the dirty and unclean, washing away everything that's bad. Maybe I've been thinking about this too much, or maybe I should ease up on the 4 o'clock beers, but all I know is this: when my home is clean, when my room is clean and nothing is waiting on me, I feel most at ease.


It's funny thinking back on how initially, when began this crazy adventure -ography, I thought I would have nothing to say. That's why I titled it a photo journal & thoughts. But these little internal monologues I have with myself that I put to paper... to keyboard, help me to process things that I am going through. Now I know why people keep diaries - so they can bitch and moan about how hard they have it... like the other day, when Matt said...*ahem* I mean, they use it to help deal with their emotions, emotions indeed.


Okay, update on what's been happening to me and the things around me.

First off, its getting cold; and if you know me I don't get cold easily, but I am... getting cold. So cold, in fact, that the other night I woke up at 5 am to put on some pants cause it was that cold. Must be due to all the muscles that I've been developing ever since I started pumping iron like a mother, like everyday. Gotta keep up with Mong, whom I like to refer to as Mong-zilla... oh, not because of his massive muscles, oh no, cause of his face, his Godzilla like face.

I watched, the now antiquated, Garden State and all I have to say is 'meh'. Oh, I also watched Xmen 3 on sunday... 'meh' is all I have to say to that....... I tried, but I have to say a little more. I mean come on! Xmen 3: The Last Stand, pfft, more like Xmen 3: The Total Abortion of Another Comic turn Movies.... And next up on the movie watch list is the Da Vinci Code, which I also hear is 'meh'... but I'll let you know how it goes.

I've also been approached by three 40 Days of Purpose (40DP) coordinators, ooooohhh, to help manage and tame this beast of an event... damn I'm must say I'm a wanted man, and don't you forget that *licks little and pointing finger and strokes eyebrows with them* how you doin'. But I could only pick one lucky coordinator to work with, and so I chose the lucky Cassandra... but then I found out she was already married, dang it. Any who, now I am taking care of most, if not all, the promotional materials for the event; so now I am trying my bestest to get 40DP squishy stress footys and yo-yos. They would be sweet for all the times you're at church and have to listen to boring uncles tell you about how they have the latest gadget and how you should get one or when aunties tell you you need to stop harassing their kids after Sunday school.

I think that about covers it, and thats about all you need to know about me for now... BUT if there is one more thing you should know about me at this point in time, it is this: I like taking advantage of warranties on products. Take the mouse I am using for example, it is in fact the 2nd mouse NextByte have replaced for me, and the music I am listening to come from a sound card which Apple had to replace too. And today I am getting my first replacement laptop case. I also have a camera I haven't had replaced/repaired in any way yet... but soon. ah, warranties - you should never give a chinese guy or girl one.


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