Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great ones make you feel that you, too, can become great.
- Mark Twain


I have just come back from camp and everything is the way I left it: from the all the clothes I didn't bring but left on the floor of my room as I was frantically packing my bags early in the wee hours of the morning, to the tooth brush, tooth paste, face wash and soap I was 'supposed to' bring to camp. Nothing has really changed... but now its different, I feel different.

Things that use to matter to me don't, and now I feel like I am free from the shackles of worldly possessions and trends. Guilt and shame no longer have a hold over me. I have been forgiven by the grace and mercy of my Lord and Saviour, my Glorious Friend. And now I rejoice.

Nothing has changed in my life, but everything is different now.


Out of the blue one day, when nik and myself were hanging out at our favorite music shop we so happen to decide it was absolutely necessary for us to have seasons 1, 2 and 3 of Scrubs on DVD. Actually, in truth, it was I who thought it essential and soon after, with a little convincing from yours truly, nik felt the same which led to the inevitable purchase of it... by her... which was pretty devious on my behalf, because initially she wanted to buy the House DVD box set. Funny how things work out sometimes. I think I'm going to be in trouble when she reads this. Sorry babe!

But back to Scrubs...

I, unfortunately, have to be the first to admit that it was a little bit of an impulse buy, because after we purchased it, it pretty much just sat in nik's room. What it was doing there, no one knows... but its said that late at night each of the three box sets come out, one by one and creep out of her room, down the creaky wooden stair case, through the dining area and pop into the DVD player. No one watches it, they just play from start to end. No one knows why...

So, it just sat there, and we were beginning to really regret the purchase. nik and myself never really have time sit down and watch any TV series or movies, so thinking that we had time to watch three seasons of Scrubs started to seem a little crazy. However... the day after we got back from camp, we just wanted to do poo all (get it). So we chucked it on and was totally AWESOME! So Awesome in fact, now I am questioning if I choose the right profession to be in!

Every time I really get into a series, I, and please don't tell anyone, I go a little crazy and pretend I am the main character and start slotting friends into other roles in the show. Like, I am J.D. and nik is Elliot, J.D.'s love interest, and so now, in my head, I have to try and woo her. I am also looking for someone to play Turk, The Janitor, Dr. Kelso and Dr. Cox and Carla - so sign up guys!. Isn't it fun! Life just doesn't get better than this.


Easter Camp 06.


Blogger nik said...

what was i doing with my mouth? i look retardo...

5:42 pm  
Blogger Jon said...

Awesome pics, Enoch!
We all miss Youth Camp so badly =(

6:58 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jess said she'll be Dr cox...


10:54 pm  
Blogger nik said...

if i'm elliott, then that means i have foot-in-mouth disease... like constantly... damn!

1:37 pm  
Blogger Enoch said...

Actually... come to think of it... i think i should be elliot... for that exact reason... i always put my foot in it...

1:40 pm  
Blogger Steph said...

awesome photos...bring on next year's camp. now.

12:31 am  

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