Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Happiness is easy. It is letting go of unhappiness that is hard. We are willing to give up everything but our misery.
- Hugh Prather


That magazine that I was slaving away on, well it should be out in newagents... right now, just waiting for you to spend your $7.95 on it's sweet little ass. So yes, its finally out there, and if you look on page 5 you can read 'Enoch Tan' right under the heading Designers. Read it and weep suckers! Ya'll can bite my ass now, you hear... Why am I being so abusive? I have no reason to be. Maybe it cause of the blood, sweat and tears I shed for this piece of crap. Or maybe its the pent up frustration and contempt I have for all brakish fish... and their owners... I really have no idea. But I really shouldn't call it a piece of crap, I mean it is a major milestone in my short little career that I should be proud of...

I don't know anymore. I know nothing! It wasn't me, it was Colonel Mustard, in the study, with the dagger.



Blogger b said...

its awesome, ive seen it.


8:57 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha congratulations Enoch....went to the canberra newsagent the Bastards dont have it! havent had a chance to see it....but like B said if we had FREE copies hahaha......We'll check it out as soon as the local theives get a copy in

11:05 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha congratulations Enoch....went to the canberra newsagent the Bastards dont have it! havent had a chance to see it....but like B said if we had FREE copies hahaha......We'll check it out as soon as the local theives get a copy in

11:05 am  

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