Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything.
- Bishop W. C. Magee


My ex has left town.

Maybe I should have dealt with my ex better. Then maybe she wouldn't be leaving town.

I love the edges of moments in life. Just before and just after a moment. They are special moments.

I don't understand a lot of things in life. But as long as I am happy, I don't think I need to.

I lose the plot when I lose to my brother in Pro Evolution Soccer. It really spoils my day when I lose. 'Why do I keep on playing it?' you ask. Cause it also has the ability to make my day - its a gamble that I have to take.

People say I'm a brilliant man. An exciting and innovative man. Actually, just one guy. His name is Lesion. He lives in my head.

Love is heavy. When I was much younger, 'I love you' was the word I use to say to my mom when I wanted to make her happy. But now love carries so much more than just happiness. Not too long ago I was a different person, and I wasn't ready to love, or give love, because I was already in love - with my own life, my own happiness. I believe you can't truly love someone until you are willing to give all of your love.

Somewhere, someone is in a situation I have been in before - and I wish I could reach out to them. I may not be able to be The Catcher in the Rye and stop them from falling, but I do hope that there is someone to pick them up when everything goes pear shaped.

Forever was the world we said after 'friends' to mates in high school. So much for forever hey.

I never want to be a cynic I hope to always have a 'young' and 'child-like' impression of the world and what it has to offer. However, after some time of self retrospection, and after doing this questionnaire I realise that it is too late for me. (Thanks a lot Jess)

I think the current U.S. President... I don't hate George W. Bush. I don't love him either. I nothing him.

When I wake up in the morning I pause for a moment to think about what I have to do, then I weigh it against sleep. But when I do sleep in the guilt of sleeping in catches up on me and I awake in a cold sweat, annoyed at myself for wasting time.

My past was, and is something I repress. I push it way down and lock it up, and hope that when the day the lock breaks and it all comes bursting out I am... wait, that day has come and gone already... damn it... I still treat my past the same, I push it way down and lock it up. I should really deal with it - maybe talk to someone about it... naahh... some poor person's just going to have to deal with my psychological problems in the future... *cough* nik *cough*

I get annoyed when nothing happens. Every second you spend, is a second of your life ticking away. Right now, you are dying, second by second... what are you going to do?

Parties are for people who have realised that they are dying, second by second, and need to cut loose and boogie!

My dog is a pet my sister got after breaking up with her first boyfriend. His name is Pascal. I really don't know anything else.

My cat is somewhere in Sao Palo. He is fighting in the revolution for freedom. His name is Lesion and he lives in my head. Good little Lesion.

Kisses are the best when... yeah I think Jess is right, kisses are best when in love. It's special.

Tomorrow I might have to remove this post, or at least change some of my answers on this. It's a little silly.

I really want to fight the man who created the male g banger.

I have low tolerance for people who... ooohhh... nice try. This one was a trap. I dislike people who bitch or try to belittle others. Nice try though.


*Please don't take this too seriously. I didn't. I half did.


Blogger Sublime said...

Hi Enoch,

I love your writing style and you profile pic! Very interesting...

"I nothing him." is brilliant. He is a very empty man, so it is only appropriate to have no feelings about him.

I found your blog doing the "Next Blog" thing at the top of the page.

Btw, check my Q&A blog called "The Big Question" at http://bigquestion2day.blogspot.com . If you get time, come answer a few questions (I post a new one each day). It's cool to see all the answers from the diverse group of readers that visit.

Take care,

11:34 pm  
Blogger Steph said...

Do you know how long it took me before I realised that this was the questionnaire that Jess did? USE BOLD MY FRIEND. I was wondering what brought on the sudden bout of contemplativeness (I'm sure that's not a word, but you know what I mean). Anyway, nice job. Makes me want to do the questionnaire instead of going to class.

1:46 pm  
Blogger Enoch said...


hey good point steph.

yep; so to everyone who reads this post, this is a questionnaire that i filled out. just visit jess's blog and you'll know what i mean.

4:26 pm  
Blogger b said...

haha yeah. took me awhile to figure it out. then i was like.. OHH yes same as jess's.

oh and hey getting mad at Pro Evo. haha it happens. me and kong spit it all the time. but after the spit either of us will go, "shit game", followed by the other.. "do yu still wanna play it?" haha which always goes ..."yeah."


7:56 am  

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