Thursday, August 31, 2006

The most important skill for almost everyone in the next decade and beyond will be the ability to create valuable, compelling and empowering information and experiences for others.
- Nathan Shedroff.


Wow... it's only day 3 and I feel like I've been doing this course for about 3 months, even though I know this would be impossible because the course itself is 3 months long and that would mean I would be finished and that wouldn't be possible... no, it wouldn't... maybe it's because I've never had so many hours a week in my entire university career... that and the fact that I never even showed up to class most of the time... But the important thing is that it feels like 3 months.

So you must be wondering how it is... well let me tell you...

Just being around other creative people is really refreshing to me. I find that they are challenging me and pushing me in new directions of creativity as well as being a source, small as it is, of inspiration. And the location really helps to, because round the corner is Degraves and City Library - if you haven't been to City Library you need to check it out, there is this funky cafe just outside that has styled itself as if it were a 'study' and has many book shelves with books and other 'study room' elements.

... I guess I could talk more about the course but seeing that I have to wake up in 5 hours and 45 minutes, I think I'll save that one for another time...

keep it real and enjoy the images of Stefan Sagmeister's work below.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Noiceee!....will be expecting to see some Goood *BEEP* coming from your way!!

PS: is it mac heaven around you?

9:24 am  

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