Friday, April 27, 2007

A designer should only use these 5 typefaces: Bodoni, Helvetica, Times Roman, Century, Futura.
_ Massimo Vignelli.


There is this new film coming out titled Helvetica. What's that you ask? Isn't Helvetica the typeface? Why yes, you would be correct. The film is a feature-length documentary about typography, graphic design and global visual culture. It also looks at one typeface, Helvetica, in depth and its affects on our lives. I am extremely excited! It should be a treat!

The film has got me inspired about design, especially typography. So much so that I started to research more into typography and I discovered that there is a typotour in Melbourne! Yes, very exciting. So I went around Melbourne, in search for interesting type, half following the tour, half veering off into alley ways looking for a gold find.

So sit back, relax and enjoy a visual feast of typography!


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