Thursday, August 31, 2006

Designers solve problems for clients. Artists solve problems for humanity. The latter is the greatest problem.
_ John Maeda


The most important skill for almost everyone in the next decade and beyond will be the ability to create valuable, compelling and empowering information and experiences for others.
- Nathan Shedroff.


Wow... it's only day 3 and I feel like I've been doing this course for about 3 months, even though I know this would be impossible because the course itself is 3 months long and that would mean I would be finished and that wouldn't be possible... no, it wouldn't... maybe it's because I've never had so many hours a week in my entire university career... that and the fact that I never even showed up to class most of the time... But the important thing is that it feels like 3 months.

So you must be wondering how it is... well let me tell you...

Just being around other creative people is really refreshing to me. I find that they are challenging me and pushing me in new directions of creativity as well as being a source, small as it is, of inspiration. And the location really helps to, because round the corner is Degraves and City Library - if you haven't been to City Library you need to check it out, there is this funky cafe just outside that has styled itself as if it were a 'study' and has many book shelves with books and other 'study room' elements.

... I guess I could talk more about the course but seeing that I have to wake up in 5 hours and 45 minutes, I think I'll save that one for another time...

keep it real and enjoy the images of Stefan Sagmeister's work below.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

When the character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends.
- Japanese Proverb


Lately I've been feeling 'out of it'. I feel like I am here in my little room, doing my own thing and enjoying myself, but then the rest of the world keeps on spinning and I'm unaware of what's going on. I guess it mainly has to do with current affairs and world news - I feel like I'm missing out on the action and 'going-ons' around town.

When I use to work in Collingwood, I use to go in early just so I could go to the coffee shop across the street so I could scan the headlines and sometimes read the paper. But now I don't... and about 3 months later, I am feeling the effects of not keeping up to date on things.

I listened to ABC NewsRadio to try catch up on things, but even now a days I find myself less and less in the car because of over-inflated fuel prices.

I guess I wanted to know if people went online to read up on news. And if so, where?

But in the end, I know nothing can beat sitting down with the morning newspaper with a cup of your favourite morning beverage, mine being double shot cafe latté, and keeping astride with the world.

Monday, August 21, 2006

I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.
- Bill Cosby


Hey hey, it's been a while and a lot of things have happened, some of which I will share... so here goes...

Enoch goes back to school next Monday, yes indeedy. To a fine establishment to sharpen my graphic desgin skills - namely Shillington College. Sounds prissy and pompous but word on the street is that it's the grand poobah of design schools ( It's going to be pretty intense: 8 am till 5 pm everyday, Monday to Friday. And it just so happens Nigel, buddy from school, is doing it too! Good times.

Other things that has happened are as follows:

+ making coffee again - now at chaddy

+ going to watch The Fray - when they head down to the Prince of Wales

+ looking at getting A grade discus ($100 a pop) - might get some cheapies first to test it out

So that about wraps it up, a few more things have happened... but alas we have run out of time. till the next time.