Monday, September 25, 2006

Beauty without depth is just decoration.
_ Metadesign


Life for me, at this point in time, is intense. I find that every moment I have is spent doing something that I have to do - like course work, make coffee, meetings, more meetings, course homework and research. And all of these things either start really early or are one after the other. This intense load on my back is really starting to take it's toll - and I am starting to notice the effects.

I think I am starting to become less patient and I am speaking my mind a lot more... which is really not always a good thing - some things weren't meant to be verbalised. I am finding I have less time for myself, and 'my time' is/was an important part of my daily schedule.

At the same time, I am absolutely loving this intense pace at Shillington. There really isn't any time to think about anything else but what they throw on your lap. I'm really trying to immerse myself in this whole design/creative culture thing - which I think is a load of toss, but it really does help my creative flow.

Oh well... this is just some random ramblings. This is your life and it's passing by you.



I got new tunes you want to check out... well... new/old tunes I have either found or recovered... but good tunes none the less... so here goes.

1. Belle & Sebastian - The Life Pursuit
2. The Boy Least Likely To - The Best Party Ever
3. Thome Yorke - The Eraser
4. The Futureheads - The Futureheads
5. The Shins - Oh, Inverted World

I know there are a couple of old ones there, but I am really diggin them, especially The Shins. BUT DO check out Belle & Sebastian, it really is a solid album.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Form follows function – that has been misunderstood. Form and function should be one, joined in a spiritual union.
_ Frank Lloyd Wright
